Ogden City Scores (LOG IN TO VOTE)

My City Provides Equitable Access to Open Green Space with Safe Usable Public Parks.: 48.2% - 25 votes
My City Provides Parks within 10 minute walk of every residents home.: 66.96% - 25 votes
My City Provides Parks with a minimum of 10 amenities at all parks.: 19.31% - 25 votes
My City Provides Public Bathrooms at all Parks.: 14.85% - 25 votes
My City provides citizens healthy balance of 3.10 acres of usable park space per 1000 residents.: 7.03% - 25 votes
My City Invests in Maintaining and Upgrading Public Open Space and Parks.: 11.42% - 25 votes

Ogden City

By voting on the above categories your are contributing to a total community score. How does your city value people, community health, and parks?


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